Oversized tile floors, granite style countertops, soft-touch drawers, new cabinetry, appliances, fixtures and more! Includes parking and high speed internet from GRUCom!
Each bedroom has its own bay window in this floorplan. These apartments also have windows on all three sides. This elegant floorplan is the most highly desired in all of Looking Glass–our “Penthouse”. These apartments are in our rentals near UF campus, and are closest to Turlington Hall and other primary classroom buildings, The UF Business School and Accounting School, and Library West. These apartments include parking and high speed fiber optic internet access from GRUCom for free! These apartments are upgraded with oversized tile floors, granite style countertops, soft-touch drawers, new cabinetry, appliances, fixtures and more! Be sure to check out these upgrades when you come for your tour. 849 sq. ft